Plane tickets are purchased, in-country itineraries are more or less complete, we received our article 5 today with travel approval’s coming soon, and all three US Consulate appointments should hopefully be confirmed in the next few days. All systems are go!
Adoptive parents will understand when I say that this is the time that things start getting a little dicey. This event which you have waited months, and for some years, to happen is finally approaching at break neck speed! All of your financial planning and saving gets turned upside down as unexpected expenses come rolling in. You go from the excitement of an expanding family to the realization that your life will soon change … a lot! And all the things that you have been so faithful to lay at God’s feet now come rolling up in a ball of stress.
Repeat after me:
It will happen as God has planned
It will happen as God has planned
It will happen as God has planned
There. That feels better.