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Final Post!

Well, we have been home a week and it seems to have gone by so very fast!  Everyone is doing great and there have been very few issues.  To help maintain Kelly’s sanity, we are easing into medical appointments, although Charlie’s teeth could NOT wait.  He went to the dentist on Monday and the best they could do in one session was just get the tarter off!  They couldn’t even clean them until next session.  But they look SO much better and he is so proud of them, setting his little hour-glass timer every time he brushes to make sure he is doing it correctly.

The kids all did great during their first church service, even though it ran late.  And they seemed to really enjoying going to Wednesday night services last night.

There are still a LOT of people in this house, especially with Zachary and Jacob coming home this weekend from college.  But there is a lot of laughter and smiling, so things seem good!

This is the last post for this blog.  We will now return to our regularly scheduled blog at:

But, before we go, I will leave you with one final video …

Thank you for all of your support, your prayers, and your interest.  You have made the experience that much more valuable to us.
