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Catch Up Blog

I am looking at two blogs today.  This one to catch things up from yesterday, and maybe another to soon follow!  First I wanted to show you a kind of funny picture from Wednesday night … yes, I know.  That was DAYS ago!  But we were going by an outdoor restaurant that we have been past many times before that sells cooked rabbit.  The only difference was that this time Kelly noticed what was up on the wall.


Cute little bunnies all over the walls and then skinned and cooked rabbit in the oven.  No one can say these Chinese folk don’t have a sense of humor!

Yesterday morning we went back to the new park we found and it was really very pretty during the daylight!


It is a memorial park to some people who were important and have now died.  I think it had something to do with the Japanese invasion.  That’s as much as I have for you.


After asking Charlie if he would like a ride on my shoulders several times, we finally just threw him up there.  While not totally comfortable with this form of transportation, he stuck it out for quite awhile.


As we were leaving the park, Ali got solicited by a little old lady wanting money.  Poor Ali.  She has such a soft heart.  I am sure that if she would have had any money on her, she would have given it!


On the ride to the train station I noticed that our new van has a very important safety device.


Since that time, I have found that most of the buses and vans have similar tools to break the windows.  What type of accidents are these people having that they all need tools to break the windows???  No one ever seems to get up enough speed to a actually HAVE a serious accident.

As we neared the train station, I shot this picture just because it was a pretty little building on the side of the road with a nice apartment complex behind.


We pulled in the train station and commenced with “active loading and unloading!”


We had a sweet young lady as our temporary tour guide and we like her, but she wasn’t the best photographer in the world.  What this picture DOES show is what our daily life in China is like.


And that guy isn’t even that close!  Most often they are two feet away and staring at you.

We quickly got through security and into the waiting area.  So, we waited.


And waited.


And waited.


And waited.


And waited.


Maybe a video from the day would be better.
